Well filled!

Daily Ponder, Practice and Pass On God’s Word

Today’s Memory Verse:

So they ate & were well filled. For He gave them their own desire.

Psalm 78:29

Today’s Bible Study:

Well filled!

What did the Israelites do, despite God’s goodness?

Despite God’s goodness the Israelites

1. Rebelled against God

2. Tested God

3. Questioned & spoke against God

4. Did not believe in God

5. Did not trust in God’s salvation

To do*:

How can we reach the promised blessings of God?


1. Remember God’s goodness & be thankful for all

2. Be content with what we have

3. Repent of all our rebellion against God & walk in God’s ways

Read Psalm 78:12-35; 103:1-5; I Corinthians 1:10-13; I Timothy 6:6-10

*Action or Application

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